1 Long Ass Train Ride Later

Filed under: , , by: Coleman

Next time I ask the hostel whether it's better to go by bus or by train, I'm going to get a second opinion.
After a 9 hour train ride (as opposed to a 4 hour bus ride), I made it to Subotica. The train was interesting. It was really really slow, but I got to see more of the Serbian countryside, which I suppose has its pluses. As soon as the train pulled into the station - all 2 cars - I had a feeling this was going to be a long trip. A nice lady who teaches at a university in Belgrade helped me get to the train - she was going to the halfway point between Belgrade and Subotica. Most of the people - especially the younger generations - speak some English which is nice, and they are really helpful or at least willing to be helpful. But all the signs on the train station are in Cyrillic, at least my one day of Russian at Brandeis is coming in handy!
The train is a single gauge train. I have no idea what that means other than it's really, really slow. And it stops all the time to let faster trains go by. Chalk it up to an experience.