Future Med Student, Will Travel

Filed under: by: Coleman

After a nerve-racking and grueling 6 months of med school applications (and waiting), I finally got in (yeay). By my count this give me around 6 more months of freedom before I have to hit the books pretty hard - and they hit back. My potential "fun level" in Woodbridge can be explained by this graph:

Even a small amount of ass wiping has an exponentially negative impact on the amount of fun I can experience. 
With no real responsibilities, this called for a change.

View My Middle East Itinerary in a larger map

So why the Middle East?
In short, history, Jewish history, culture, sights, and music.

I want to visit the old Synagogues of Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.
On the other hand, I am definitely not looking for trouble...if something feels unsafe, I would rather look at pictures taken by someone more daring than I, than wind up in a situation with no good outcomes.

I am looking forward to an awesome, safe and fascinating trip and I hope everyone who follows the blog, enjoys it...and if you aren't let me know what I can do to make a better blog.