Serbia is a pretty cool place!

Filed under: , , by: Coleman

I really liked Serbia! I was kind of surprised. From the airport, you drive over the Danube and all the building are lit up at night so it's really pretty. It's also a pretty welcome change from the Middle East. After spending 6ish weeks travelling in a concentrated area, everything started to look the same. Minarets, mosques, roads, apartments, architecture. They all blend together. But coming to Serbia which is really equidistant from Istanbul as Jerusalem, you get something totally different and totally European.
Belgrade has a great walking street and there is a lot of activity with people out all hours of the night. I'm only spending the nights here and going to Subotica tomorrow morning - on the border of Hungary.

Pedestrian Street in the morning - it's usually filled with people.

Kalamegdan Park/Fortress