
Filed under: , , by: Coleman

On Saturday I went to Karnak temple – it’s a huge temple complex that the just about every Pharaoh added to between 2000 BCE and the Common Era. The Coolest part is the massive, massive pillars, some of which still have their original color – lots of blues and reds, but it gives you a better idea of what it looked like in its heyday. 

At night I went to the market to get because apparently I missed getting hassled, but I’ve pretty much gotten used to it. I bet it’s kind of frustrating for the business class of Egyptians because I think most tourists’ impressions of Egyptians is that of heckling, and double-handed. Everyone seems like they want to be your friend, and then they ask you to buy something, tell you about a tour, great deal, whatever. It also stinks for the people who actually genuinely want you to get a good impression of their city/country (if there are any).

On Sunday day I took a tour to the Valley of the Kings which I did my 5th grade Tzvi project on, so that was pretty cool. And I was happy to see that my 5th grade Play Dough model was pretty accurate. Most of the tombs are closed, but the 3 that I saw were pretty cool because the color hasn’t been lost. After that it was the Valley of the Queens, Colossi of Memnon, and Hatsepsut’s tomb.

I'm definitely starting to get temple burn out, but my next stop is Dahab (the cheaper version of Sharm el-Sheik), which I heard is great, so I'm really excited for that. It will be nice to just relax and stop feeling like if I don't visit every old thing within a 3hr radius, I'm missing out