We will stop for tea where at the same spot Moses did

Filed under: , , by: Coleman

I tore myself away from the sea and made it to Mt. Sinai, which was definitely high on my list of things to do...it's apparently high on everyone's list - at least the Monastery of St. Catherine. There were easily the same volume of tourists at the monastery as there were at the pyramids. Navigating the crowd was kind of miserable, but it was still something to check off the list

And the monastery supposedly houses the direct descendant of the burning bush, which was not at all as spiritual as I had thought.
My group then started the hike up Mount Sinai, which has a lot of freakin steps - 3700 "Steps of Repentance."

My group had a mix of young and older, but I am always amazed at the people who attempt these hikes on flip flops or Crocs. It makes me happy that I'm not travelling in a group because I can't imagine spending weeks or months with some of these characters. There was the one Polish woman who took forever to make it up, but as soon as we were on our way down all she wanted to do was "hurry up," "let's go."
The top is cold and windy, but the sunset is very pretty, and as soon as the stars come out, it's a pretty amazing place. The stars are so bright.