DC Interlude

Filed under: , , by: Coleman

I spent this past weekend at AMSA's Community and Public Health Institute...it was a pretty mixed bag. I arrived Thursday night and was greeted to some super-liberal grandstanding.  To give an example, for an ice-breaker, we all gave our chosen super-power. Telekinesis has always been my mainstay...but in the back of my mind, I was thinking, "no one is gonna be such a brown-noser and say 'cure disease...'" Well they did. One person said if he could have one super power, her would cure aids. Another said she would "cure ailments with a hug." I projectile vomited on the spot. Who says that seriously?

Apparently G-d loves orange beanies
The grandstanding continued through Friday when we went to The Hill to lobby for AMSA's positions (not necessarily ones that I agree with), but I got to walk around DC a little and have fun with the enormous anti-Pro Choice rally to mark the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade...