Pretty Cool Music

Filed under: by: Coleman
Granada Doaba [cover art] by Granada Doaba.

I'm becoming a bigger fan of world music (thank you Global Hip Hop), maybe more specifically global hip hop, but I can't say I like it more than Victor Jara


Still, I like the blend of hip hop and local example I have is the Cuban group Madera Limpia and maybe David Bisbal's "Torre de Babel"

Tour of the Eastern Seaboard

Filed under: by: Coleman

I got to spend a few extra days in DC and see Claire, Yoni, the girls, Danny and Shelley

Follow the Pink Bunny, Abby...
View from the Newseum

Then it was off to Baltimore...

Sarah and Noah

I don't have pictures of New York, but I was there too...then finally back to CT

DC Interlude

Filed under: , , by: Coleman

I spent this past weekend at AMSA's Community and Public Health was a pretty mixed bag. I arrived Thursday night and was greeted to some super-liberal grandstanding.  To give an example, for an ice-breaker, we all gave our chosen super-power. Telekinesis has always been my mainstay...but in the back of my mind, I was thinking, "no one is gonna be such a brown-noser and say 'cure disease...'" Well they did. One person said if he could have one super power, her would cure aids. Another said she would "cure ailments with a hug." I projectile vomited on the spot. Who says that seriously?

Apparently G-d loves orange beanies
The grandstanding continued through Friday when we went to The Hill to lobby for AMSA's positions (not necessarily ones that I agree with), but I got to walk around DC a little and have fun with the enormous anti-Pro Choice rally to mark the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade...

This Video Always Makes me Laugh

Filed under: by: Coleman

Visas and Kinko's - never a good match

Filed under: by: Coleman

Chappelle's Show

Buy Chappelle's Show DVDs
Black Comedy
True Hollywood Story
My advice: Allow an extra hour when dealing with kinkos...all I wanted to do was send my info for a visa and it took about two hours...oh and somebody stole my credit card on top of it

The Plan

Filed under: by: Coleman

Puff Daddy - Been Around the World

Photos, Fotos, الصور

Filed under: , by: Coleman

Future Med Student, Will Travel

Filed under: by: Coleman

After a nerve-racking and grueling 6 months of med school applications (and waiting), I finally got in (yeay). By my count this give me around 6 more months of freedom before I have to hit the books pretty hard - and they hit back. My potential "fun level" in Woodbridge can be explained by this graph:

Even a small amount of ass wiping has an exponentially negative impact on the amount of fun I can experience. 
With no real responsibilities, this called for a change.

View My Middle East Itinerary in a larger map

So why the Middle East?
In short, history, Jewish history, culture, sights, and music.

I want to visit the old Synagogues of Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.
On the other hand, I am definitely not looking for trouble...if something feels unsafe, I would rather look at pictures taken by someone more daring than I, than wind up in a situation with no good outcomes.

I am looking forward to an awesome, safe and fascinating trip and I hope everyone who follows the blog, enjoys it...and if you aren't let me know what I can do to make a better blog.